~Private Education Society [PES] Standards~
Internationally Accredited Courses through our Private Education Society Privy Council
Summer Healing PES standards maintain the highest ethical and moral principles for yoga teachers in order to ensure high quality, exclusive, prime, and equitable trainings and teachings of an international and Global standard. The experience of Yoga today has been established from many decades and from many different lineages, great Yogis have dedicated their lives to invest into the expansion of consciousness and self-inquiry to convey this ancient vast science of the soul. We are a Private Yoga Education Society seeing the highest level of excellence for over a decade. Established in 2010, Summer Healing Private Education Society has expanded with yoga’s modern evolution on while maintaining the roots of the teachings through the timeless texts and resonation of yoga’s original roots and Gurus. We show great awareness in the requirement for modern standards that are aligned with the current research and functionality of the biomechanics of the physical body and in alignment with modern day body worker practitioner that offer high quality, safe, and approachable yoga teaching.
For over 12 years we have been adapting the current standards of our teachings to bring forth the research, we have found a way to offer alienable teachings and trainings for the new beginner to the advanced yogi.
Through the research and thousands of hours of teaching and studying we have developed during the duration of the yoga course.
Rebirthing Breathwork
Yoga Nidra
Yin Yoga Training
200 and 350 hr Yoga Teacher Training
Equity Biblical Law
PES accreditations include
Community Standards and Ongoing Support Network Registered Yoga Teacher Trainers will be able to join our Summer Healing PES members group where you will have a community to expand the ongoing learning and you will have the life time support to assist each other with your career and personal growth in Yoga
While these courses offer the basic placorm for the continued expansion of the high standards of yoga universally, we grant this work, like the nature of yoga , is eternally in expansion.
Registered Yoga Teacher Trainer

For full details of all the relevant binding Public Notices, Bonds and Accessions please go to
Link Tree
Summer Healing Society contains adoption with Summer Healing Ministry, Ecstatic Temple, Rebirthing Breathwork, Summer Healing PCA, Yoga Unity, AFB Trust and Summer Healing Trust. Established without the intent of causing harm, injury or loss, and as defined by the undersigned Authorised Representative of AIMEE FREDERICA BRACKS exclusively.
Summer Healing Society©

C/O 30-32 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria Non-Domestic, APTC and Postcode EXEMPT near [3056]
International (UPU)
RPP44 63900 05100 23233 39605