The Summer Healing Private Contract Association (“PCA”) is a private membership organisation nestled within larger associations similarly established. By definition, a PCA is private, it is established by contract, and it is a free association of like-minded, like spirited-beings with shared purpose, intentions and aspirations. Summer Healing is a private society. Summer Healing is an ecclesiastical body politic made up of living men, women, and children, We are established on the principles of trust law, international law and equity. On that basis, the Summer Healing Society and PCA is a mutual benefit society wherein we exchange our energies, our creations, our dreams, and our inherent value and principles in Life. In law, a private contract stands superior to all public jurisdictions and legal systems, which is why we work within a Private Contract Association structure.
The Summer Healing Private Membership Association “(PMA)” is a ministry, ekklesiastical Court and Private Society protected and ruled under International Law, (summerhealingsociety.org) it is a Society of like-minded Beings who are dedicated to creating, manifesting, living and sharing a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. We wish to participate in alternative healing modalities that are offered by members of the PMA. Our members also offer healings, meditation, breathwork, aerial yoga, healthy nutrition, infra red sauna, wellness such as massage, reiki, chakra healing, trauma release, energy work ecstatic dance, sound healings, conscious events. Our weekly timetable is consistent week to week, to become a member ye must accept either verbally or through written agreement by autographing our declaration agreement or by acknowledging this information in order to view our website, social media or by attending our Private Temple and align in good standing with the running of the PMA.
A single class membership (once-off )
A mth membership (once off )
A regular contribution every two weeks (reoccurring)
Or you may be contributing for an event (once off)
Your contribution may be
We exchange energy with one another, sometimes the energy exchange is in the energy of assisting in cleaning or offering service to help around the temple for your contribution to the programs, the energy exchange may be in gold or silver, the energy exchange may be in more common exchanges for services such as crypto or fiat currency.
If you wish to no longer be a member of the PMA after your visit you simply just need to email us and we can dissolve your membership, being a member doesn’t mean you will need to offer a regular contribution it just means you will be part of this as above a PMA of like-minded beings who are dedicated to creating, manifesting, living and sharing a healthy and peaceful lifestyle. Who wish to participate in alternative healing modalities that are offered by members of the PMA. 2 Weeks notice is required to cancel memberships.
Dissolving membership
A Sacred and Safe Space to put in the circle anything you may need a blessing on in your life for clarity and healing. Our Minister will assist in the healing through prayer/ mantra/ affirmation
A minister is an ordained spiritual leader, who holds prayer services, preaches to people in the Temple, leads worship services teaches spirituality classes, and meets with those seeking personal or spiritual direction.
Ministry implies a sense of being duty-bound to work under God's ( the universe) authority as His/Her loyal servant.
The founding members have faith in the way certain things work in the universe.
The founding members understand that the universe is composed primarily of energy, matter and consciousness the interactions of these three principles produce an infinite array of states and interactions the founding members have faith that exploring these interactions is guided by faith intuition and awakened consciousness will have beneficial effects, remedies and results for themselves and members of the PMA.
“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”
King James Version (KJV) John15:16
Summer Healing Ministry Prayer Room
The information contained on this site and the supporting attachments provided by Summer Healing are for educational purposes only.
Summer Healing is a private membership association. Our trained Yoga Teachers are not doctors, and we do not diagnose or prescribe. We work with the innate intelligence and design of the body, to identify and provide access to the resources that your body needs to heal itself whenever possible. We believe there is a time and a place for all methods of medicine. Our study of the Science of Yoga is based on sustainable, integrative, intelligent, and effective ancient methods and includes empowering ‘you’ to make conscious choices that really aim to serve and improve your life.
The website and Private Temple provide general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided by us or any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
If you or any other being has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something that have read on this blog or in any linked materials. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately. By using this website or attending the Temple, you understand you are responsible for conducting your own health affairs, due to the epidemic currently internationally.
All Members are responsible for their own health. Due to the epidemic around the world, as international affairs you understand you must be vigilant, responsible, for your own health directives. All volunteers and members acknowledge if you encounter any symptoms you must notify in writing and take measures for your own health and your family before attending the studio. You understand you must get professional advice and clearance before resuming your membership. You understand we have our health procedure rules we instigate after each session. This Website does not guarantee accuracy nor completeness of the information and content on it, and as a result such information does not encompass all conditions, disorders, health-related issues, or respective treatments. You understand that you should always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of this information for your own situation or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition, disorder, treatment plan, or other health-related issues.
This Website and its owners, contributors, and assignees expressly disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk personal or otherwise, which may be or is incurred as a direct or indirect consequence of the use or application of any of the advice, comments, or information contained on this Website. In no event shall we be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages related to your use of the information on our Website.
You further acknowledge that all found on our website are strictly the opinions of their writers and any results achieved are solely individual in nature; your results may vary.
By using this website, you confirm that you have reviewed and agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Public Disclaimer

For full details of all the relevant binding Public Notices, Bonds and Accessions please go to
Link Tree
Summer Healing Society contains adoption with Summer Healing Ministry, Ecstatic Temple, Rebirthing Breathwork, Summer Healing PCA, Yoga Unity, AFB Trust and Summer Healing Trust. Established without the intent of causing harm, injury or loss, and as defined by the undersigned Authorised Representative of AIMEE FREDERICA BRACKS exclusively.
Summer Healing Society©

C/O 30-32 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria Non-Domestic, APTC and Postcode EXEMPT near [3056]
International (UPU)
RPP44 63900 05100 23233 39605