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Hapeh Ceremony

18+ Years old

  • 1 hour
  • 30 Australian dollars
  • Sydney Road

Service Description

This ceremony will be kept small with a maximum of five participants, and each person may receive a different medicine depending on what they would like to access or shift. Rapé can help with grounding, energy cleansing, connecting to heart, connecting to spirit, clearing or quieting the mind, or even activating the mind allowing us to ask questions and access our inner healer’s wisdom with clarity and conviction. It can help with depression, anxiety, insomnia, is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal, and will typically leave you feeling relaxed and calm, yet alert and awake. Your body releases neurotransmitters including dopamine, acetylcholine, and epinephrine, and some help with the synthesis of seretonin and melatonin to improve your sleep. Note: If you haven’t tried rapé before, please know that it may cause watery eyes, sweating, extra salivation or in some cases purging. This helps to clear the body of toxins and unhelpful energies, and is part of the body’s natural cleansing process. It is best not to eat for 4 hours beforehand to allow for a deeper communion with this medicine. (Rapé, pronounced “hapeh”, is a traditional medicine from the Amazon rainforest administered by Shamans. It is a blend of herbs, bark and roots from the forest mixed with a ceremonial form of tobacco, and is administered by a deep blow into the nose using a wooden pipe).

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation is available up to 12 hours before the session start time.

Contact Details

  • Summer Healing Society, Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC, Australia



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Summer Healing Society contains adoption with Summer Healing Ministry, Ecstatic Temple, Rebirthing Breathwork, Summer Healing PCA, Yoga Unity, AFB Trust and Summer Healing Trust. Established without the intent of causing harm, injury or loss, and as defined by the undersigned Authorised Representative of AIMEE FREDERICA BRACKS exclusively.


Summer Healing Society©

04 3229 3294
C/O 30-32 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria Non-Domestic, APTC and Postcode EXEMPT near [3056]
International (UPU)
RPP44 63900 05100 23233 39605
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